Week 3 Reflection

 I think that something that was really inspiring and resonated with me, was the fact that a lot of information was shared about the importance of Ethics. I think a lot of times we forget about the importance of Ethics, unless we are experiencing or seeing something unethical going on. I think that it is important to recognize that you want the best for your company, but you need to also create a company/business where being the best you is accepted and enough. I think it was especially interesting to hear about the stories mentioned by Frank Levinson, and how he mentioned about the two men he had at the company. One who did some things he did not particularly like, and the other who was smart but was very dishonest. It seems that by letting go of the first man, and going with the second, that he made a mistake because the second one made up lies about him and ended up costing him his job. I personally think it is important to recognize the type of people we are letting into our businesses before it is too late. You want to create an environment and have boundaries within your business, and ethical codes that will allow great people to thrive. But also be weary of those who do not have ethics, and make sure that you can recognize that before it is too late. I hope to be aware of this, and continually better myself to understand more about ethics and how it can work for my business so that I do not make any detrimental mistakes in my company.


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